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You are so precious in God’s eyes, God cares about you. He wants to give you real life. 
​​​​​​He doesn’t want you to live your life in darkness and bondage. He wants to deliver, heal and restore you. He wants your spirit to be safe and after this life, eternally with Him.
The Bible tells us that we all have sinned and chose our own path without God. That’s why we are separated from Him. Because God loves you so much, He decided to restore the relationship with you through Jesus. You only have to repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, so you can live how it was intended to be, in intimacy with God.
‘At one time, all of us lived like those people,we did whatever bad things our bodies wanted to do. If our thoughts made us want to do something, we did it. Because of our sins, we were dead in our spirits, but God gave us a new life, because we are united with Christ. Yes, God has saved you because He is so kind.
When you believed in Jesus, God saved you. You could not save yourselves, but that is God's gift to you out of grace.’
Ephesians 2:3-8
Jesus was here, on earth, Holy, full of love and righteous. There is no one like Him. He showed people how to bring heaven on earth. People got healed, delivered from darkness and He even brought people from death to life. The will and the character of God became visible through Jesus.
Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world didn’t know Him. He came into His, but His own people did not accept Him. But all who accept Him, became children of God.
John 1:10-11
Then He died on the cross out of love and compassion for you. Jesus loves you so much! He gave His life as a Holy sacrifice. Jesus carried the punishment that we deserved because of our disobedience to God.
‘But it was our sin that caused His wounds. The bad things that we had done crushed Him. The punishment that He received has brought peace to us. The wounds that He received have healed us. We have all turned away, like sheep that take the wrong path. Each of us has turned to follow our own way. But the Lord has taken all our sins and put the punishment on Himself.
Isaiah 53:5-6
When Jesus was dead, He went down to hell, disarmed the devil and defeated death. After three days the Holy Spirit brought Jesus back to life. Jesus visited His friends and a lot of people saw Him alive in the next 40 days He was on earth. Then He went up to heaven.
Before Jesus went up to heaven, He said to His friends that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to help them. It is the same Spirit which worked through Jesus. The people waited and prayed. After 10 days, the Holy Spirit came very powerfully and the people were completely filled with the Holy Spirit. That day, 3,000 people received new life by accepting what Jesus had done for them, they were baptized and received the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of the church.
If you want to receive this new life, please say this out loud to God:
God, I am sorry for running away from You. I am sorry for every bad thing I have done. Forgive me!
I believe that Jesus gave His life for me, that He died for my sins to bring me back to the Father. I accept You Jesus, as my Saviour, Redeemer and Lord.
I want to ask You, to fill me with your Holy Spirit.
If you prayed this prayer, and meant it in your heart, you are now a child of God. We want to encourage you to also take the following steps.
Get baptised
When you go under in the ‘water grave’ you leave your old life behind. When you come out of the water, you arise with Christ. Your spirit comes alive, you’re a new creation.
Read the Bible
The Bible is the Word of God. Like you feed your natural body every day, your spirit also needs to be fed by the Word. By reading the Bible your mind will be renewed. If you don’t have a Bible yet, you can start by downloading the Bible app. You can start in the New Testament.
Talk to God every day
Share your life with Him. Take time to listen to Him, you can receive thoughts, specific Bible texts or visions (images in your mind). You will start to recognise His voice.
Expressing gratitude to God is a powerful thing. Through worship you will begin to experience God's presence more and more.
Join a church
So you can grow in faith and have people around you to support you.
You will get to know God better and you will see that God has an extremely good plan for you. You cannot imagine what awaits you.
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