My name is Juliana Batista. I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and grew up in a non-Christian home. I always had the feeling that a different world existed from the life that I knew and lived! I longed for something on a deep level, I knew I lacked something that could really satisfy my soul. This lack led me into a state of deep sadness and although I didn’t know it at the time, what I actually needed was to know God!
I’ve always liked rock and pop music, indeed there was a time when I enjoyed listening to all sorts of music. Music would allow my mind to wander off into an imaginary world, helping escape the sadness and reality of my own life.
I knew I lacked something that could really satisfy my soul. This lack led me into a state of deep sadness
I grew up in a family who were interest in Eastern religions and cultures. Inevitably, I learned about them well enough to know that they could never touch my heart in a deep way. None of them brought me joy or gave me a real reason for living. When I was younger, I was fearful, shy and reserved. Later on, I tried changing this, and forced myself to be different, by making lots of friends, going out, and partying, however, the joy this gave, was deceitful and fleeting.
My friends and I were invited, by another group of friends, to a place where live bands played. When we arrived, I realised it was a type of church we were at. The bands were playing music with songs that had a Christian message to them. At first, I didn’t understand a thing, but decided to go back with my friends because we liked it. Eventually, I went to the meetings that were held on Sundays. I heard stories about God and His plan to save the world through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Little by little, it started making sense, although I had so many questions going around in my head.
During this time, I still felt sad and that my life was meaningless. Days and nights were full of depression and anxiety. Things got increasingly worse and it became exhausting. It seemed as though something stronger than me was destroying my desire to live. It felt like my life would only ever be sad, and had no point. I found this made it hard for me to believe in God, and I didn’t have a convincing enough experience to prove He really did exist.
At night, I would have horrible dreams and evil apparitions that scared and caused me dread. Although this seemed spiritual, it caused my mind, heart and even my body to suffer from these painful attacks. One night, I ended up feeling so bad that I tried to pray. I read the Bible, and asked God to prove his existence to me! If He really did exist, I told Him, He would know what I was feeling, and to free me from this awful sadness. Immediately, something amazing started happening to me. The Bible text I was reading started speaking to me, which helped me understand what was happening. I felt another presence come into my room, although this time, it was something full of love and peace. I felt as if Jesus Christ was there, revealing Himself to me. He comforted me, and made me feel safe. I felt his love, and wished to be carried in his arms. My prayer was being answered and a sense of hope and peace came over me. From that day on, everything started to change in my life! I was getting to know God!
I felt another presence come into my room although this time, it was something full of love and peace
I finally knew that Jesus Christ existed, and that His power was destroying all the bad feelings I had, in my heart and in my mind. After this experience, I started going to church with my heart truly open, and began to pray and to praise God. There was no space for anything else in my heart other than Him. I would not speak, think or hear anything, unless it had to do with God. This was a radical change in my life, something which scared my family very much. They didn’t agree with my choice of faith, or my new vision in life, but God filled my heart with joy, nevertheless. The dreams I once had, returned, and He gave me the power to live a life totally dedicated to serving Him. I felt as if God Himself wanted me to live a life for Him alone! God began to reveal something very strong in me, as if He wanted me to accomplish His will.
In my heart, a desire to play the drums had begun. I knew nothing about this instrument or how to play it, but this feeling was so strong, that I realised it didn’t come from me alone, but that it was something from God. He was the one who planted this desire in me. Antidemon, was a Christian missionary band. I felt that God was leading me to join this band as the drummer. When I communicated this to the band members, the leader shared how God had spoken to his heart, about the very same thing! This didn’t make sense to us at the time, because we all knew I was not a drummer, but we knew that if God was leading, then let the will of God be done in this situation!
I began by taking a few drumming classes. After four classes, I couldn’t play a thing, and felt as though I would never learn a thing. Frustration set in, and I came close to quitting all together. In an act of faith, I decided to go to an Antidemon’s rehearsal. The band started playing their music, while I sat at the drums listening. I wanted to get a better feel for the instrument, so I started making some noise on them. All of a sudden, my body was being led to do what it had never done before. I was actually playing along with the band, on the drums. It felt that God was doing His will in me. It was a supernatural miracle!
Two months later, I did a live debut with the band, at a performance in the city of Registro, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. God played that instrument through me. It was amazing! Those who knew me, had never seen me play like that before! Others, simply couldn’t believe that I had been playing for only two months. The feeling got stronger and stronger that it was God who was working through me, for His Glory. My mission grew increasingly, and my life which had been transformed, was now changing even more!
After my debut, we went on to perform in other cities around the country, and eventually went on an international tour, which took us through Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela and during this time, God really strengthened me for this mission with the drums. This wasn’t just a personal miracle for me, it was living proof that God is powerful in raising up and developing those whom He chooses!
God is powerful in raising up and developing those whom He chooses!
My life had been consecrated to serving God, by playing with Antidemon. This calling, has allowed for thousands of people in over thirty countries in four different continents, to be impacted by God through its music. I am overjoyed in bringing people’s lives closer to the One who changed my life; Jesus Christ!

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