My life did not start out very well. My father was an aggressive man, and he beat my mother. He drank, visited prostitutes, stole and was occasionally in jail. I witnessed all these things, and felt lost in my childhood. I would steal, and was very aware at an early age of sexuality. By the time I reached thirteen, I was already getting drunk and had found marijuana. And then, by fifteen, I discovered XTC and went to lots of parties. I experimented with all kinds of drugs. I ended up dropping out of school, and tried things in the electronic music and art scene. The choices I made were terrible. When I closed my eyes, I would see screaming faces, and all kinds of other restless things. My depression was pounding through my chest, and the only thing that seemed to help it, was drinking alcohol. It was a time when I drank extreme amounts, and the things I did sexually were very unhealthy.
When I was tripping on drugs, I knew there was more to heaven and earth, and in between. Sometimes, I would feel and see something dark behind me, following me. I searched for freedom everywhere and in everything and listened to the voice of the world as to how to get it, by doing this and that in order to achieve it. However, every time I did those things, the results were the opposite of freedom, and I got more and more entangled. I was in deep trouble.
I searched for freedom everywhere and in everything and listened to the voice of the world as to how to get it
Around that time, I met my wife. I was about 20 years old. Thank God, she knew God somewhat. She took me with her to a Christian event, but when I got there, I felt like I wanted to escape. Something in me became terribly frightened, and I realised there was a war going on for my life. The people at the event were different. They seemed to have something, which I certainly did not have. That event opened my eyes. However, I continued looking for freedom in unhealthy things for several years. I was narcissistic and did things in secret, many of which my wife knew nothing about. However, we began to seek God more and more. I wanted to stop the bad choices I was making, but they had a hold on my life. I could not seem do anything about it, and I reached the point of insanity at times. I would often cry out to God for help, and I experienced God’s power several times and I knew He was real. For example, through simple prayer, He healed my hand from when I had hit the wall too hard with my fist.
Many years later, the big breakthrough finally came. God asked me repeatedly to share all my secrets with my wife. I found this request hard, as I thought all my secrets would go to the grave with me. I knew my life could not go on like this any further, so I got up the courage and shared everything with her, and then asked for her forgiveness. The ground fell out from underneath her. She had her suspicions during the 11 years we had been together, but it turned out to be even worse than what she had feared. The following night, at my home, I was attacked by demons and I heard screaming in my ear. I knew hell wanted me to do something very dark. I called out to my wife for help, and when she started praying, hell lost its grip on me. I experienced heat, coldness, and goose bumps, all at the same time, and then I saw several spirits leaving my life.
When I woke up the next day, I felt real freedom for the first time in my life, after 31 years. It felt like kilos of weight had fallen off me. All of a sudden, a few days later, I saw Jesus in a vision. There was a cesspool, and out of that cesspool flowed dirty mud into a cup. Jesus took this cup full of this mud and drank it all.
All of a sudden, a few days later, I saw Jesus in a vision
I made the decision to completely turn away from all the darkness in my life. After this period of deliverance, thoughts would come to try and seduce me, but they were powerless, and had lost any grip on me. When a thought did come, I didn’t accept it and sent it away in the authority of Jesus. After a while, the thoughts stopped all together. For the last 7 years, I have been free from depression and free from all the unhealthy things to which I was attached. All the lies, shadiness, unfaithfulness, adultery, drug use, alcohol and cigarette consumption, everything has been cut out of my life. I now live in true freedom, which the world cannot give.
I am free from all the unhealthy things to which I was attached
In the years that have followed, God has begun to reveal to us why there were so many problems in our lives. Very bizarre things were revealed to us through dreams, visions, and people. Things from my ancestry started to be revealed, such as murder, incest, raids, free masonry and much more. God revealed it to us, then we prayed for it, and each time, we saw how God’s power broke this influence over our lives. We received more and more freedom, each and every time. God also began to do greater and greater things through us. God began showing me things in other people’s lives, through words of knowledge and dreams. I began to pray for people and saw them get supernaturally healed from all kinds of major and minor diseases.
A few years ago, I began to have dreams about traveling in a camper van. I knew those dreams were from God, because of my experience with dreams. Different people, who know God, sensed the same thing, about my family traveling. I got my driver’s license and God moved people to give us a total of €11,000. With this money, we bought a camper van and started traveling with our family to places God showed us, to share the reality of Jesus.
The stories with God are now endless. We see God doing great miracles. Miracles that are not possible in the natural world.