I was very upset at the results of a recent Pap Smear. It showed that not only did I have a bad “PAP” (Cervix test), but also real cervical cancer. After the initial panic, I realised that I had another option rather than the medical way. I believed in God, but was not going to church at the time. I knew of people who had been healed by God.
I have been a scared and stressful person my whole life, and have always depended on medical advice, but there was a little voice in my head telling me: “Jolien, you know I heal; you have another option rather than the medical way.”
I realised that I had another option rather than the medical way
I started doing some research for my healing, and I watched videos from people who got healed by God, and this built my faith. In November 2019, I heard about an evening healing service that was being organised in Charis in the Netherlands. I felt this was my chance to be healed, so I started thinking in a new way and dealt with the fear before the healing service. I started to imagine I was healed that night and saw myself on a stage telling others about my testimony. Then, my thoughts were heavily attacked, and in my head, I heard I was going to end up dying. I chose to persevere and overcome the fear.
The day before the healing service, I had severe cramps. I decided not to go to the doctor for this pain, but instead, started praising God, and asked my parents-in-law for prayer. The pain eased up, but later returned.
At the beginning of the service, a video was shown of Cindy Mezas’ healing. I really could identify with the woman in the video and her story. I found out Cindy Mezas was at that same healing service that very night. I knew this was going to be my healing! As the service was ending, I went straight to Cindy and asked her to pray for me. The power of God came in violently, and just like that, all pain disappeared. At that moment, I knew my body was healed.
At that moment, I knew my body was healed
The following week the pain returned, and the doctor wanted to take a larger biopsy to see how serious the situation was. I got an uneasy feeling about this, and decided to postpone the examination for another time, although the doctor felt this was unwise since I had to wait 2 to 3 months for the next appointment. I continued to renew my thinking and asked Church elders to pray for this pain to disappear.
During a church service, I received a revelation from God. From Matthew 7: 7-10, I heard that small voice in me again. He said: “I am a good father. If there is nothing between us, why shouldn’t you be healed?” At that moment, any wrong thinking, or religious thought I had about God, disappeared. Later on that day, the pain disappeared.
The next day my phone rang, and before I answered it, I heard the Holy Spirit say; “Go now!” It was the hospital saying that a time slot for the examination had become available for that day. I took the appointment, and wanted to get an official confirmation that my healing had taken place! The following week I received the test results. They did not find one single cell with an abnormality in my body!
My life changed completely after this and I am so thankful for what Jesus has done for me and for everyone. The fear and stress I used to feel, have given way to rest and life in abundance!
I have gone on to receive many more healings since my healing from cervical cancer! 
Jolien has written a beautiful book about her journey and she helps others to understand what the Bible says about healing. You can download the free eBook here.
The fear and stress I used to feel, have given way to rest and life in abundance!

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