I felt like an outsider almost all my life. It was anything from my skin colour and hair type, to my background and beliefs that made me different from others.
I felt like an outsider most all my life
I had been raised in a Christian home. When I was in high school, I found it challenging as I tried to fit in with the crowd, and be one of the cool kids. At first, I thought this worked, because I got invited to parties, had boys’ attention, and was popular. However, there was this anxiety within me that left me feeling hopeless and homeless. This feeling inside me, grew daily.
I knew God still loved me, despite all this, so I decided to open my heart again, little by little. One day when I was talking to someone about God and the gospel, God the Holy Spirit came over me. It felt as though there was something flooding through my veins. Then and there, I surrendered my life to God.
I decided to open my heart again, little by little
From that moment on, God’s presence never left me, I felt an overflowing love that had to be expressed in a form that was new for me at the time: writing songs. I’ve never stopped writing about all the highs and lows I’ve experienced, while serving this amazing God.

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