I struggled with addiction for 21 years. What I had destroyed in my life for those 21 years, God restored in just 21 months.
I grew up in a family without God. For the first few years of my life, my parents went to church, and during that time, seeds were planted in my heart. My parents ended up leaving the church and raised me in a Godless home. When I was 11 years old, my parents got divorced, and that is when I discovered drugs. A friend of mine, who was a few years older, whose parents were also divorced, introduced me to drugs. That was how I became lost in who I was, in my identity. I quickly started experimenting with all sorts of drugs. I was sinking deeper and deeper into a life of drugs, partying, sex and addiction. By the time I was 17, I couldn’t sleep due to my drug use.
It was around that time, I watched a Christian event (EO Youth Day) on TV, where people my age were worshiping God through music. I saw such kindness and fullness in them. This really stood out to me, since I had just come back from a Hardcore Dance Music festival, where I witnessed the emptiness in people; it was hell. The difference I saw on T.V. struck me deeply, and God picked me up in that same moment. The following day, I checked myself into a rehab clinic.
The difference I saw on T.V. struck me deeply, and God picked me up in that same moment
After my time was finished at the rehab clinic, I went to a church and began to get to know God. I met the mother of my children there. For over 14 years, I heard about Jesus, although He didn’t get inside my heart. During all that time, I tried to do things in my own strength. I would work a lot in order to resolve the financial problems I had, but that only caused me to be absent from my family life. Due to this absence, the gate was open for the enemy to tempt me. Only one Name is important and that is the name of Jesus, but I was far away from Him at this time. Eventually I fell back into alcohol and cocaine. I lost my family, and separated from my wife.
Then the gate was open for the enemy to tempt me
One night, I turned back to God when I was alone. I was completely isolated and I had not slept in days. I felt hopeless, and fell to my knees. It had taken me a whole year and a half to finally do that. What I needed, was time to fully allow Jesus into me. I said to God, “So where are you now? I believe you exist, but I cannot do it anymore. I’ve tried everything.” Then I overdosed on alcohol and cocaine, and was on the floor for two days. I experienced death during those two days, and I was taken to heaven. I found myself laying down in the throne room of God. The largest angels came and brought me pieces of my life, and they put me back together again. They put armour on me, renewed me and healed me. They sent me back for one purpose: to spread the fragrance of the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16) At that moment, “Tim” died, and Timotheüs came back to life.
The largest angels came to bring back pieces of my life, and they put me back together again
I decided to go back to the rehab clinic and I immersed myself in the Bible, deepening my relationship with God. Jesus pulled me out of the deepest hell and placed me on the rock. Jesus came inside me and burned away all the serpents, and all the uncleanliness that was in my life. I was completely healed of any addiction.
It has been three and a half years since then. It is important that you not only accept the miracle, but that you continue to thank God every day. It really is important to be open to God. I still struggle with all kinds of thoughts, but we don’t have to punish ourselves when we do have those thoughts. Do you let that thought come in and let it settle in your heart? Are you honest to God about it? Everything we keep hidden Satan sees, and he wants us to be in isolation. Jesus, on the other hand, is open, He is the door. Through Him in us, we enter the Kingdom of God. So be open, be transparent, find good people around you and pray with them. You have to be willing to do the opposite of everything you did. Live in the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. We are not of this world, but in this world. Have the discipline to take good care of your temple, your body. The Holy Spirit dwells in our body, and, step by step, God will give you the pieces to do the things you were made for. He will give you exactly what you can need, the moment you are open to receiving it. Be patient.
Step by step, God will give you the pieces to do the things you were made for
During my recovery, I lived with my church’s youth leaders for a while. We had a kind of mini living community. They equipped me with so much discipline, love and kindness. It was the security and protection I needed. This is where the hunger for a Bible college began in me. I wanted my identity to become more deeply rooted in the Word.
I gave up my own business as a Contractor Carpenter, and gave away all my tools. I completed the Awakening School of Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Ben Fitzgerald. I am on fire for the gospel, and my wife and I (whom I recently married) take it to wherever God sends us. God is using me now because of what I have experienced. I can relate and speak the language of separation, isolation, and addiction, etc. I have received the discernment of spirits, and God has given me the revelation and power to spread His love to people, because I can feel their pain and emotion in the spiritual world. God is equipping me personally, but He is also placing a powerful team around me where I can learn, heal, and grow more.
I long for God to use me to break the yoke of religion. I want people to see the love and radiance of the Kingdom of God, and receive healing, prophecy, words of love and experience the power of true worship.
I want people to see the love and radiance of the Kingdom of God

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