Back in 2010, I ended up in a wheelchair after an accident. Years later, in 2016, they diagnosed me with hEDS (Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), a progressive birth defect. My DNA had a defect where the connective tissue deteriorates slowly.
I’ve had health issues since I was a child. Visits to the hospital were a common occurance, from broken bones, dislocations, and subluxations to name but a few. The first hospital visit was when I was 12 years old, when I suffered from a dislocated shoulder. The hospital visits went from once a month, to as many as 30 times a week, as my shoulder would dislocate. The tendons and ligaments became so loose, that I could “fix” my shoulder by myself. Eventually, my hips, knees and pelvis would also dislocate, and due to the connective tissue being everywhere, I was in constant pain, day in, day out. The higher the humidity level, the more pain I would feel, (even my skin would hurt). As a result, I took many different painkillers, but nothing helped, so I took up smoking lots of cannabis in order to numb the “sharp edges” of the pain.
I was in constant pain day in day out
In October 2020, my si-joints partially dislocated and I was bedbound for almost 5 months. I received “home care” during this time, where nurses would come to my house to help me bathe, use the bathroom and give me food, since I couldn’t leave the bed unassisted.
My first “ifuse”-surgery (where your tailbone and pelvic bone get fused together by 3 metal rods on each side, 6 in total over 2 surgeries), was in July 2021, and the second one was in February 2022. After each surgery, I had to lay flat on the bed for 3 months straight, only getting off the bed with help from nurses. I practically missed the entire covid pandemic as a result of being bedboud for so long. Some relatives, friends and the ladies from home care, were the only people I saw in almost 2 years.
By the end of the summer 2022, I could walk a little bit without a wheelchair, but I still lived in constant pain. The pain I felt on an average day was around a 7 to 8 (on a scale from 1–10). Bad days of pain were more like a 9-10 scale, and a “painless” day was about a 4. I went to physiotherapy twice a week, which helped me “get used” to such pain. Let me tell you, you never get used to that level of pain! I wanted to get rid of the pain but didn’t know how. My shoulder was getting worse, and pushing the wheelchair around made it dislocate more frequenly. While on Twitter, I found a page about hEDS and someone who had the exact same issues as I had. She explained about a hospital that specialised in shoulder surgery, seeing as most hospitals say they can’t do anything about this. Long story short, 9 November 2022 I had the “Latarjet- surgery” in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Right after the surgery, I felt so good! Although I couldn’t move my shoulder after surgery, the pain was practically gone, and the surgery itself went well. I had a check-up 3 months post-surgery to see how things were, and a list of things to do including physiotherapy.
In January 2023, my parents asked me if I wanted to join them at a “revival evening” by “House of Miracles”, and as I had been raised a Christian, I knew what it was, and immediatly said yes. I knew that the Bible, in many verses in the New Testament, says that Jesus healed everyone where He went. They believed that He would heal them, and I knew that I had to “Act in Faith” like them. We went on the 21st, and my wheelchair was in the back of the car. My dad wanted to grab it for me, but I told him that I would walk in with their help, as I knew in my heart that Jesus was going to heal me that night. I was taught that the Bible is God’s never changing promises for everyone! I had my parents help me walk inside the building. The pain got worse and worse and in front of me, I saw 25 stairs I would have to climb. As my parents helped me to the top, I couldn’t hold back the tears from rolling down my cheeks as the pain became unbearable. I got to the top! We sat down and the band started playing music. I was touched by the music and in my mind I spoke to God saying, “I know you heal, and I know you want to. So I believe that you will heal me tonight”. After singing, a man came on stage and started talking about Jesus healing everyone, and that He wanted to heal everyone there that night as well, so the man said “if you have pain, stand up and we will pray for you”.
I stood up in the aisle. Many people stood up and got prayed for. My pain became so intense that I couldn’t stand up any longer, and I sat down. The man on stage said, “If there’s anyone that still needs prayer, please stand up again”. My mum later on told me that she had wanted this amazing couple she knew, to go over and pray for me at that very moment. And guess what?! The same couple came over to me and asked me what was wrong. I told them that I had hEDS. The lady had a smirk on her face and said “Oh, that’s an old acquaintance of mine. I used to have that as well!”. My mind exploded as I knew Jesus could heal, but my brain was still stuck in “worldly thinking”, as in, “DNA.. That can’t be changed right?!”. But I shook it off and they started praying for me. Right at that moment, my shoulder and lower back got extremely hot. Not a painful type of heat, but a pleasant type of heat. And all of a sudden, like a blanket falling off your back when you stand up off the couch, the pain slid right off me and it was gone instantly!! I felt almost empty at that moment, because pain was all I had ever known. But that warmth filled me, and I felt peace. I turned around and started walking. The pain had gone! I hopped, skipped and jumped up and down those stairs about 15 times in that hour. All pain had gone!!! I thanked Jesus for what He had done and told my testimony to the man in front. I haven’t touched my wheelchair ever since that day!!
like a blanket falling off your back when you stand up off the couch, the pain slid right off me and it was gone instantly
Three weeks after that evening, there was going ro be another meeting called “Healing Campaign” by Frontrunners Ministries on February 11th, 2023. I went with my parents and about halfway through the evening, they asked; “Who has steel from surgeries in their body? Stand up and we’ll pray for you”. I stood up in the aisle. A man came to me, laid his hands on me and at the same moment the other man on stage prayed “In Jesus name, steel, dissolve” I started to “act in faith” and started jumping and stomping on the floor, something which I had not been able to do before. I felt that same heat as before, and it was filling those areas where the steel rods had been located. After that healing, I could run as well and jump high like never before!
I felt that same heat as before, and it was filling those area’s where the steel rods had been located
On that Monday after the healing, the hospital called me for the 3 months post surgery (shoulder) check-up appointment scheduled for a week later. The next day, the other hospital called for a check-up for the surgeries on my pelvic bones. That was 3 days after the shoulder check-up. X-rays and a CT-scan were done, and the doctors were flabbergasted with the results.
Shoulder: The x-ray looked like the surgery had been carried out 6-7 years ago, not 3 months ago!! And I could do everything he said I wouldn’t be able to do. He said, “I have the pleasure of seeing God’s miracles during my lifetime and during my work”!! I told him that God had healed me 100%! This was the first doctor that took what I said seriously.
Pelvis: CT-scan was taken, and usually you have to wait a week for the results, but the very next day, the surgeon called me telling me that the first one went wrong, and I had to reschedule another one. I asked what exactly had gone wrong. He said, “It’s because we can’t locate the metal rods and we need to redo it”. I told him that Jesus had healed me, but he didn’t want to believe me, even though he saw proof for himself.
we can’t locate the metal rods and we need to redo it
God has healed me. I can run, jump, train, and even cook for myself. Everything that I couldn’t do since 2010. Now I’m going back to school (at 36 years old) so I can finally start to work for the first time in over 13 years. I work with the ministry team to pray for other people and through the authority that Jesus has given us, we set people free and heal people in Jesus Name!
Never give up and always look to God. He loves you. He doesn’t want you to be sick. ♥
I can finally start to work for the first time in over 13 years

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