I used to think a Christian was always something religious, traditional and distant. However, this all changed when one of my brothers took me to a Christian youth event. At that event, I could feel and see the power of the Holy Spirit, and it was touching others around me as well. I had never experienced anything like that before, and realised that God must be so much more than what I knew.
For years, I was on heavy medication to calm my behaviour. My mum decided one day, to read me the side effects of the medication I had been taking. As she read it, I started crying because it felt like I had never been myself before. The medication made me feel calm, slow to react and not get excited about things. It made me want to disappear whenever there were lots of people around, or when there was too much going on.
For years I was on heavy medicine to calm my behaviour
God, at that moment, showed me His love for me. He made that moment just for me. I then began a journey with Him, and started to accept a new me. I discovered who I was, and who I wanted to be, by looking at who He was first. I learned that I have a voice, and that I can stand up for myself, because I am worthy and fully loved by Jesus who lives in me. I no longer let fear rule over my thoughts and emotions. I want to be more like Jesus. Everything He did for me was a sacrifice. He made a choice to die for my mistakes and my sinful nature. I believe that Jesus made a way for me to reconnect to God my Father, who designed and created me. I am still learning and discovering more about this life that I am living, and about sacrificing myself to God. That means that I can be an imitator of Christ, and let Him live in me. Not in the lies and emotions like I used to.
For years, I would do everything for myself, living out of anger and fear instead of Life and Truth. Now I choose to be like Jesus and let Love rule in my thoughts, daily. This is a journey worth living! I believe that I have been made for a purpose, to love people and God above all. Loving God sounds somewhat easy, but it takes discipline, faith and courage, to believe in a Father who loves me more than any earthly being. Faith is what I am fighting my battles for. His love will make me whole. God is Love, that is who He is.
Now I choose to be like Jesus and let Love rule in my thoughts, daily

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