Hi, my name is Esther and I’m 20 years old. A year ago, my life radically changed. Let me tell you a bit about my life. I was raised in a Christian home, had a good foundation of the Word and was filled with the Holy Spirit, at a very young age. When I got older, my faith faded away and I had no relationship with Jesus. I actually pushed Him away, or at least I tried…
Last year, during my senior year in high school, I started thinking about what my next step was going to be. I knew I wanted to travel, help people and make videos about what’s going on in the world. It sounded like a good plan, right? As I was making plans, I got a bad feeling something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t go. I was frustrated, because my plan was going to be amazing! I couldn’t understand why this was not the right thing to do. After a while, I felt like I had to pray, which was really weird to me, because this was totally against my nature. I didn’t go to church, read the bible or even pray at all. I just simply prayed; “God, what do You want me to do?” A few months later, I was on my laptop one evening, and I ended up watching a testimony of a girl who was going through the same thing I was. When the video ended, the Presence of God filled my room. God spoke to me through that video, and I felt Him saying to me; “Esther, I don’t want you to travel or make videos. I don’t want you to do anything else other than to know Me first. Learn what My voice sounds like, and get to know Me.”
I don’t want you to do anything else other than to know Me first
That night, I felt the conviction of sin and said; “Okay God, if this is what You want me to do, here is my life.” From that moment on, my life has changed completely! I started to read the Bible, and began to understand that my vision, plans and dreams meant nothing without Jesus being at the centre of them all.
Six months later, I moved to Amsterdam and went to a Discipleship Training School, where I got to know who God is, and, to make Him known. The funny thing is, since then, I have travelled around the world, and made videos. Only this time, with a different purpose; to show Jesus’ love for this world. I learned that no matter how hard I try to push God away, it just won’t work. He continues, to draw me to Him, and He will never stop.
I learned that no matter how hard I try to push God away, it just won’t work. He continues, to draw me to Him, and He will never stop

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